Kobi Tour Guide of Israel

Oct 1, 20202 min

Major Changes for the Palestinians post-Abraham Accords

There is a new Middle East brewing here and it's having a huge effect on the Palestinians. Here is what you need to know, courtesy of your tour guide of Israel.

An absolutely fantastic analysis of the 3 major Middle Eastern political blocs, their effects on the Palestinians, and what the Palestinian Authority (Fatah) should do, even though they seem to be doing the opposite. https://www.timesofisrael.com/a-peace-paradox-sidelined-palestinians-may-finally-have-their-leverage/

As the Palestinians are moving closer to Turkey, Qatar and Hamas, it is causing an uproar with Egypt and Jordan - the two countries that the Palestinians cannot afford to upset. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/egypt-pa-crisis-looms-as-abbas-moves-closer-to-turkey-qatar-and-hamas-643752


It's not much of a surprise that 62% of Palestinians think that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas should resign. Then again, he is in the 14th year of a 4-year term so that probably should have happened long ago. None of his strategies have worked out to date.


In protest of the UAE's deal with Israel - and in their inability to get the Arab League to condemn it - the Palestinians resigned their post as head of the organization. https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinians-relinquish-arab-league-chairmanship-in-protest-of-normalization/

The Palestinians - aka Fatah and Hamas - have finally decided to hold elections - after almost 15 years. However, only 11% of Palestinians actually think this "unity" is going to last. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/HJfPPz5HD

And if for some odd reason you think Hamas winning is a good thing (and there is a reason Abbas is over a decade late in holding elections - he knows he will lose) - well, here is a small reminder of what Hamas thinks about even talking with Israelis...


And all this at the same time that Israelis are looking to start negotiations again with the Palestinians. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/israelis-want-two-state-negotiations-prefer-next-deal-with-gulf-state-643296 It looks like, yet again, the Palestinians are not going to miss the opportunity - to miss and opportunity.

For more of what's going on with the Palestinians, check out my most recent update on the subject - just last week: https://www.tourguideofisrael.com/post/what-s-happening-with-the-palestinians

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