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Interview with An Arab Muslim Bedouin in Israel (Video)

Writer's picture: Kobi Tour Guide of IsraelKobi Tour Guide of Israel

How many times have you been on an Israel trip - especially as a teenager or a young adult - and you went to a "Bedouin Camp" in the desert, where you ate a "traditional Bedouin meal," rode a camel and heard a real live Bedouin speak?

How quickly did you realize that it was just a tourist attraction? No Bedouins live at that camp (apart from a few night staff/guards), it is owned by Jews, the food is kosher and brought in and is not "traditional Bedouin food" apart from the bread and rice [um, Bedouins don't raise chickens] and the speaker - unless it that one awesome Bedouin feminist lady par excellence - usually is just telling you a basic introduction and maybe a cute story about camels or sheep and having lots of wives.

Well, here is your chance to hear from a real live Bedouin [video below] . Most Bedouin in Israel today - all of the ones in the north and about half of the ones in the south - are not nomadic anymore - so there will be no stories of camels and sheep. The story is of how they have chosen to integrate into modern Israeli society and the challenges that entails.

Plus it's a different voice than what we often hear when people talk about Israel or interview Israelis. An Arab, Muslim, Bedouin citizen of Israel, IDF soldier, who is pro-integration and cooperation between Jews and Arabs in a sovereign state of Israel.

Want to get to know a side of Israel that you never get to see? Talk to me, your tour guide of Israel, about doing a multicultural tour of Israel. You will get a chance to interact with the incredible ethnic and religious diversity that makes up the "Jewish state." For more on those, click here:

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