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Writer's pictureKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Most Jewish Sign Ever at a Protest Rally

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

The protests outside the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's house have continued on, with people from all over the political map. Some want an end to the corruption, some want an end to the chaotic handling of the Covid-19 situation, some want an economic bailout, some want an end to the annexation talk and a path forward with the Palestinians and almost all of them want Bibi gone. But one woman, well, she just wants a date...

That's right, at the most recent rally on Saturday night, with all the signs calling for everything imaginable, one woman held up a sign which said "Find me a Match." [photo below]

You see, with all this social distancing and mask-wearing, it's really hard to find a date in the regular Israeli way. There is a common belief here that if you set 3 people up who end up getting married, you get a free ticket to heaven, so naturally everyone is always trying to set people up around here. There are numerous Facebook groups (including the brand-new Corona Crush where people post dating profiles for their friends), singles events, match-up events (where you try and match your friends with others' friends), matchmaker services, and you are never more than a few feet away from a Jewish grandmother who won't take no for an answer when it comes to her charming grandson or granddaughter. It's rumored that the entire reason Ashkenazi Jewish men don't wear a tallit until they are married is so that the women can spot out all the single guys at prayer and know whom to approach during the kiddush (reception) afterwards. And the most adept at all this are the taxi drivers who get 15 minutes to interview you and see if you are right for their still single relative. Yet it's hard to do that when you need to sit in the backseat with your mask on...

And of course, nobody wants to be single on Valentine's Day. While we might not celebrate Valentine's Day in Israel, we do have a Jewish holiday of love called Tu B'Av - which is named for the date of the holiday (the 15th of Av) which starts on Tuesday night. Never heard of Tu B'Av? According to the Talmud it was the greatest of all the festivals and one of the two happiest days of the year, along with Yom Kippur (you know, once you could eat again, and all your sins having been forgiven is nice too). Check out the articles below about it.

Since the single ladies of all the tribes of Israel aren't dressing in white and dancing in vineyards these days as in days of old (though as an Israel tour guide I will admit that could be a nice bonus for my culinary tours of Israel) , the next best place where the "tribes of Israel" are mixing these days is of course at a protest which is attracting people from many different segments of society. Hence our young lady's passionate request...

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