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Writer's pictureKobi Tour Guide of Israel

A New Incredible Story About Israel's Declaration of Independence

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

At 4PM on Friday May 14, 1948, the shortest but sweetest ceremony in the history of the Jewish people took place. Israel was declared a state. David Ben Gurion read the

Declaration of independence - miraculously finished just an hour beforehand after an all night debate as to the wording. And then Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen Fishman said the shehechiyanu blessing to bless important moments our lives. His cup overflowing with joy, he could barely recite the blessing as his voice was trembling in awe of the moment. Yet how did he even get to Tel Aviv when he was under siege in Jerusalem just the day prior? The story involves using a set of tefillin to strap him to the back of the pilot's seat in a 0-passenger aircraft with his legs dangling in the air. Check out the amazing story of the man (later known as Rabbi Maimon) and his incredible impact on the Jewish nature of the Jewish state - including the question of whether God would be mentioned or not in the declaration itself.

And next time you come to Israel with your trusty Israel tour guide, we can make sure to include a visit to Independence Hall (once they are done with restorations).

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