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Israel Covid Update: Airport Testing, Life-Saving Treatments & Masks!

There is a ton to catch you up on when it comes to all things Covid-19 related coming out of Israel. This includes life-saving new research, a-Covid testing center at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport, Israeli rapid tests being introduced in world airports and the world's best masks being made in Israel. You can even get Israel-themed designs! As your tour guide of Israel, you can bet I'm getting one to rock out with when things open up here for touring again!

Israel is Getting Airport Testing: It Should Be Ready Next Week

Israeli Rapid Testing in Being Used in European Airports:

3 Incredible Israeli Covid Treatments Are [Almost] Upon Us

Israeli Research Shows that Covid Can Affect Male Fertility

The World's Best Masks are Made by Sonovia, an Israeli Company:

Anti-bacterial and anti-virus technology imbedded into the fabric. And yes, in addition to the Israel-themed masks they also have regular white and black ones.

You can go straight to the source here to learn more:

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