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Writer's pictureKobi Tour Guide of Israel

Incredible Biblical Royal Structure Found at Jerusalem's Lookout

Just down the street from my apartment (this is becoming a common refrain) an incredible find was unearthed in a archaeological dig, dating back to the dynastic line of King David 2700-years ago. Three immaculately preserved column heads - often referred to Solomonic capitals - were discovered by the Haas Promenade, a common Jerusalem lookout point at which many first-time visitors to Jerusalem begin their tour. This royal design appears on the the modern Israeli 5-shekel coin. A number of other artifacts were found, including a toilet, which back then was a sign of wealth and status.

What was a building doing outside the walls of Jerusalem at that time?

Did they have a beautiful lookout over Jerusalem like we do today?

If I were a tour guide of Israel back then, I sure would have lobbied for one!

For more on the find check out the article here and the video below:

To see some of the other incredible archaeological finds from this past summer, click here:

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